Apply for your ASZ membership now!

ID Image upload
Academic/Professional qualification(s)

Next Steps following registration

After completing the above registration and selecting the correct membership category you currently qualify for, you can proceed to make your membership fee and application fee payments by any of the payment methods below. Kindly visit the ASZ Membership Category page to find out more about our membership categories and the membership fee.

Method 1:

Account Name: Actuarial Society of Zambia

Account Number:  1326569

Sort Code:                  020016

Sift Code:                   BARCZMLX

Bank: Absa Bank Zambia Plc

Branch: Lusaka Business Centre, Cairo Road, Lusaka

Method 2:

You can make subscription payments through our mobile money service using the number below:

Airtel Money: +260972911281

To make payments to our mobile money service from outside Zambia, you can make use of the Worldremit platform. Click here for details.

Note that the above number is only used to make payments. If you have any enquiries kindly contact 0976326504 or email

Kindly add your name as a reference upon making payment and send proof of payment either by screenshot, a photo or photocopy of proof of payment to . Failure to do the above may result in your application being unsuccessful.